We all have those places of inspiration—where we feel especially close to God. For some, it’s the vista from the top of a mountain, for others it’s a walk in the woods, for me it’s a trip to the ocean. There is just something about the salt air, pounding surf and sand between my toes that causes me to ponder the wonders of God. Each unique sunrise over the ocean reminds me that creator God arranges the sun, clouds, water and sky with breathtaking beauty each and every day. The waves relentlessly pounding the shore point me to God’s faithfulness and unfathomable power. Even the precision and predictability of the tides reflect God’s sovereignty.

On a recent trip to the beach, I instinctively thought about finding the perfect seashell at the water’s edge—one that was unbroken and symmetrically perfect. But as I walked along the shore, most of the shells were cracked or broken. They had been beaten and battered by the surf or stepped on by passersby.

Aren’t most of us like those broken shells?

The storms of life have left us battered and bruised. Perhaps we have been stepped on by others. Although we are not perfect, our Heavenly Father loves us just the way we are! In fact, our brokenness compels Him to pick us up and convey His unconditional love for us. He doesn’t search for the “perfect” shell, Jesus came for imperfect shells like you and me. Believe it or not, we are beautiful in His eyes because He made us! We may have been buffeted by the storms of this life or hurt by others, but God loves us and cares for us immensely!

So, the next time you’re at the beach, go ahead and pick up an imperfect shell. Take it home to remind you of God’s great love for you!


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