We may start out the first few weeks of the New Year with great gusto and enthusiasm! We exercise every day, eat nutritious foods and may even read our Bible on a daily basis. But, we all know, that as the weeks and months roll on, our consistency may wane. What should we focus on daily to help us stay the course?

Setting Goals

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5–6

Life can be confusing, perplexing, or downright scary at times. Although we may try to make the best decisions possible, we still falter. Experience is a great teacher, but we may occasionally fall flat on our faces. How can we navigate successfully through life? How can we make wise decisions? How can we live without regrets?

God did not intend for us to wander aimlessly through life. Humbly acknowledge that the Lord possesses the understanding you lack. Defer to Him in your decision-making process. Trust in Him with all your heart. He will show you the way to go. He will make your paths straight. Periodically set goals for yourself, and trust God to bring them to fulfillment. In order to practically accomplish this:

  1. Set aside time to be alone with God every day.
  2. Align your heart with God by confessing sin.
  3. Identify areas in your life that need attention.
  4. Purpose to glorify God and not yourself.
  5. Be patient and diligent. God’s timetable may not be yours.

Dear Lord, help me take inventory of my life and set goals that are in keeping with Your will. Amen.

(Excerpt from Be Still and Know Daily Devotional Journal, Day 30)


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