I’m very excited to announce the release of my latest devotional book, Peace in the Storms of Life. We all encounter storms in life—times when we feel as though crashing waves are about to take us under. The Lord has taught me much during those times. One of the greatest truths that I’m learning is that peace is possible during life’s darkest storms.

Below is an excerpt from Peace in the Storms of Life that is based on my own life experience.


For he himself is our peace.
Ephesians 2:14

The atmosphere was tense as the crash cart was pulled adjacent to the Isolette. Megan, a twenty-five-week-old preemie, had pulled out her ET tube and her oxygen saturation level was dropping rapidly. Megan’s grandmother, Ann, chose to remain by her side. Although Ann knew the seriousness of the situation, she calmly rested in Jesus’ presence. Miraculously the nurses were able to reinsert the tube. Knowing that the outcome could have easily been different, they rushed to hug Ann. One nurse asked her, “How could you remain so calm?” All Ann could utter was, “The Lord.”

Megan’s story is true.

God’s peace can be experienced in the most terrifying and emotional situations. If Ann would have let her mind race to what might happen, she would have run out of the room in tears. Instead, Ann trusted the Lord. Regardless of the outcome, she knew that He would never leave or forsake them.

Whatever battles or trials you face, you never face them alone. Jesus is in the NICUs of life with you. Jesus was with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace, and He remains with you (see Daniel 3). That does not mean that the outcomes in life are always good. It means that regardless of the outcomes, Jesus can impart peace. You can rest knowing that He is in control. You can take comfort in knowing that even if the worst happens, He will be there to wipe your tears and give you strength. When you trust Jesus, He imparts peace. Remember that the next time you find yourself in a scary situation. He Himself is our peace! There is nothing in this life that can take Him from you. And He is truly all that you need.

What is peace? Describe a time when you experienced God’s peace in the midst of a scary situation. Do you think peace is possible even if the outcome is not what you had hoped? Is it possible to have peace amid tears, pain, and grief? Explain your thoughts.

Excerpt from Peace in the Storms of Life, pg 188-189


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