All of our lives have been put on “pause” in recent months. We’ve had time to think and reflect—and perhaps tackle some projects that have been on the back burner. For years I have intended to submit an article to The Trident, the official publication of Delta Delta Delta sorority about Jodi, my best friend. We all have people in our lives that have had a profound impact on us. As you read the story that I submitted, take time to thank God for the enduring love of your friends! Love never ends.

Kindred Spirits

Jodi and I had different upbringings…she had lived in Lake City, Florida most of her life and I had lived all over the world…yet when we became Tri Delta pledge sisters in the Fall of 1973, we instantly formed a bond that even death would never break. Jodi was full of life and had a million “best friends”. After graduation, our friendship continued to grow as we both pursued medical careers (Jodi became a PA and I became an RN) and family. Our love for the Gators reunited our families at Sugar Bowls in New Orleans, Gator Bowls in Jacksonville and SEC Championships in Atlanta.

Jodi was diagnosed with breast cancer and when it metastasized eight years later, it was devastating. Jodi was a fighter and I wanted to fight for her. In December of that year, I prayed and asked God what I could do to help since Jodi lived in Belleair, Florida and I lived in Atlanta. I was reminded of a journal my mother kept the last year of her life. Jodi had known my mother and had seen firsthand how she experienced peace while battling cancer and enduring chemo. So, I asked Jodi if she would be encouraged by a daily devotional via email, using my mother’s journal entries as inspiration. Jodi was thrilled. My devotional book, Be Still and Know….365 Days of Hope & Encouragement for Women was birthed from those emails to Jodi.

At the 2014 FL/GA game, I gave Jodi the very first copy.

Although I had always meant to go through my mother’s journal, God had used Jodi as my inspiration. Sadly, Jodi lost her battle to cancer five years ago. No one can replace my best friend, my Tri Delta pledge sister.

“I’m Saving You a Top Bunk!”

Although I still miss Jodi terribly, I know I will see her again in heaven one day…and that truth puts a smile on my face. When we lived in the Tri Delta house, we had sleeping dorms with bunk beds. I slept on the top bunk and Jodi on the bottom. Her last text to me assured me that she would “save me a top bunk” in heaven. I’m counting on it….Delta Love is Forever!






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